Pure Land Principles and Practice |
The reason for this web page to exist is because of you. Yes! You. Life has its own meaning and I hope this web page would be able to find this meaning for you. If you are not a Buddhist, never mind. I can assure you that you would not be misleaded at the end of your journey.
As a matter of fact, this is not a Buddhist page, it's for everyone. Just take a peep, if you like, there's nothing wrong to be curious, right!
I would like to stress that "Buddhism is not a religion", Buddha had never said that, and "Buddhism is an education for everyone." To live your life in the right direction, know the rules and play along with it.
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The Introduction to Pure Land
What my teacher has to say...
My friends web page
Feel free to visit this page again. I would make sure all the good stuffs prevail. Chai Jian, Sayonara, Selamat selalu, Walakam, Bye-Bye.